Eres grande,eterno...
No te empequeñezcas, no pierdas tu tiempo con temores irracionales, vive en paz contigo mismo... puedes hacerlo, eres capaz, te lo dice Vahaniasa.
Respeta lo inferior, potencia lo superior.Lo inferior es como es, respeta pero no le prestes atención. Lo superior, sí, escucha, haz lo que te diga.
Busca ANANDA (felicidad), encuentra la serenidad que está más allá de las formas...
It isn’t late
It isn’t late. You can still be yourself, you can still learn to coexist with mistakes and wisdom. It is possible to improve. You are still able..., the change is possible. No matter the age or social condition, it is not late to change, it is not, really. You are much stronger than you believe or value yourself.
You are great, eternal...
Don’t become small, don’t waste your time on irrational fears, live in peace with yourself... you can do it, you are able to, Vahaniasa tells you so.
Respect the inferior, strenghthen the superior. The inferior is as it is, respect it but do not pay attention to it. The superior, yes, listen to it, do what it tells you to.
Look for ANANDA (happiness), find the serenity that is beyond the appearances...
Foto: sergio.