-Mira hacia delante- una orden salía de mi interior-, no te detengas, mira hacia la luz.
De pronto, apareció él. Era rubio, hermoso, no pertenecía a nuestra raza. Sus ojos celestes irradiaban luminosidad, su cabello amarillo, ensortijado, le daba belleza a su rostro, ya hermoso. Vestía con prendas no conocidas para nosotros. Era una túnica color blanco marfil o algo así. Jamás había visto ni vi, una prenda de vestir de estas características.
Shantosa, me sentía feliz, como nunca lo había estado. ¿Donde estaba? ¿A donde fue conducida esa sencilla ave acuática que era yo?
No había palabras, tan solo miradas...
Shantosa, lo cuento por primera y última vez, esperanzado de que otro hermano también lo haya visto.
Cuando retorné de esa "meditación"( no sé como llamar a ese estado interior en el que me encontraba) supe que "ellos/as" están entre nosotros y observan nuestros actos; desean que seamos nobles, sencillos, que encontremos la DHARSANA SUPERIOR (la enseñanza que viene del interior).
Vahaniasa (siglo III).
Shajas Bay (2)
I swam in a boggy lake where I felt presences and hands touching me. I was a defenseless acquatic bird and let myself go along with the calm water current.
-Look ahead of you- an order came out of my inside, don’t stop, look at the light.
Suddenly he appeared. He was blond, handsome, he wasn’t our race. His blue eyes radiated brighteness, his wavy blond hair beautified his face, already beautiful enough.. He was wearing clothes not familiar to us. It was some kind of ivory-coloured robe. I had never seen a piece of garment like that before .
Shantosa, I felt happy, as I had never felt before. Where was I? Where was that simple acquatic bird that it was myself taken away?
There were no words, just looks...
Shantosa, I’m telling this for the first and the last time, hoping that another brother had also seen it.
When I got back from that “meditation” ( I don’t know how to name that inner state in which I was ) I learnt that they are among us and watched our behaviour; They want us to be noble, simple, to be able to find the DHARSANA SUPERIOR (the teaching that comes out of our interior)
Foto: sergio.