¿Te animas a caminar junto a mí? No me importan lo que digan, así me alaben o critiquen. Quiero ser rama de un árbol torcido, entender mis contradiciones, sentirme pequeño como un guijarro y majestuoso como la montaña sagrada de Sheilam.
Shanti OM, Shanti OM...
I wish to love
I am a devotee of the truth. I don`t want crooked branches or easy short cuts. I look for the simple and the complex, at the same time. I am a solitary who wishes to love, just to love. You, pupils, hardly undestand me, hardly understand us, the masters. I am not easy to define. But my feelings are clean as the water in an autumnal stream. I want to love and share with other solitaries the sensation of feeling a branch of the same tree. I don’t care who you are, I have always dreamt of you, looked for your company, longed to love you, being like honey sweetening your palate.
Do you feel like walking next to me? I don’t care what they say, no matter whether they praise or critize me . I want to be a branch of a crooked tree, understand my contradicitions, to feel small as a pebble and majestic like the sacred mountain of Sheilam.
Shanti OM, Shanti OM...
Foto: sergio.